
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Doing what I do best (or so I'd like to believe)

For a while now, I’ve believed that blogs mourn the loss of personal thoughts. Facebook, Twitter and blogging have enabled us to put our thoughts out there for everyone to see almost as fast as our brain can come up with them. My impression of blogs changed, radically, when my childhood friend started writing a food and (beautiful) photography blog. This led me on a search of blogs I like. Turns out there is a blog out there for just about every single like or dislike, hobby, craft, occupation, parenting, relationships you name it! Clearly, I am a newcomer to this world. However, now it is as if I have opened Pandora ’s Box.

Recently, I had a baby and I added the title of “mom” to the various roles I already have. Clearly, I am not the first or the last to do this. But, humor me, because every first time mom thinks that she is the first one to go through what she is going through. My husband and I instantly fell in love with and are currently obsessed with our creation. Therefore within seconds of her birth we started toying with the idea of me becoming a stay-at-home mom. Six months into it, I can tell you that it is the hardest but most rewarding job I’ve ever had. After all, a dimpled, toothless smile that lights up your life totally beats money in the bank, a promotion or a bonus check. Staying at home through the winter and what so far has been an awful spring brought with it several challenges. Here I was, cooped up at home, with a tiny infant. If I said I did not question my decision to be a full-time mom, I’d be lying. I had given up not only my paycheck, but what had been my identity for seven long years. After all, what we do for nearly ten hours a day ( more than that for some), becomes a huge part of who we are. I missed my friends- having lunch in my office or may be just even having lunch on some days, missed the happy hours, the water cooler chit chat. Add this to the raging post partum hormones, I can hardly say I was the picture of happiness. Finally, a dear old friend of mine suggested writing a blog. Get in touch with the outside world and stay in touch with things that matter to me. But, what would I write about?

I asked myself the above question every single day. Recently, when the sun shone through the clouds, bringing with it some warm weather and glimmers of hope for me the answer was as clear as that particular, sunny day! Fashion! Now, those of you that know me know that my training is in fashion; my work experience is in fashion. But, I would like to believe that I am not an uppity fashionista. Spending lots of money on NYC rentals and later on “growing up” and turned me into a “frugalista”. I realize I am not alone in this boat. So, I have decided to attempt to write about fashion on a budget! I have always loved those “Splurge vs. Save” columns in magazines. Or how to “put together a look for under $100”; except sometimes I want to look like a million bucks for even less than that. So, I put my style hat on and try to let me clothes and accessories do (some of) the talking for me.

Fashion will come and go, but style is forever. And it is possible to be stylish on a budget. This is what I would like my blog to demonstrate.